
Introverts on Video business blog camera confidence video video content creation video marketing video marketing strategy Mar 10, 2024

Don’t assume you don’t belong on video just cause when you scroll your feed it’s full of people doing things you’d never do.

Dancing, being loud & proud, and creating skits.

There’s room for everyone who wants to be on camera if they want to be - extrovert AND...

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You Donā€™t Need to be on Social Media 24/7 to Run a Successful Business business blog May 04, 2020

Don’t believe what they say. You don’t need to be on social media 24/7 to run a successful business.

There I said it.

The apps, the experts, the “THEY”. They want you to believe you need to be everywhere all the time.

That you need to be “open” everyday.

That you...

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Celebrate Small Wins business blog Apr 23, 2020

I used to spend a lot it of time thinking about all the stuff I didn’t have.

The accomplishments I hadn’t created yet.

The goals I hadn’t hit.

And even when I did do something rad, I rarely celebrated it cause it never felt like it was enough.

Somewhere in my mind I think that by...

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How to Repurpose Your Content business blog Apr 05, 2020

If you’re only sharing your content once and one platform, let’s talk.

But first, can I tell you how excited I was about when DVD extras first came out …I was OBSESSED! I wanted to see the director’s cut, all the behind the scenes, the footage that got cut for time,...

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How to Focus After You've Lost Your Job business blog Apr 05, 2020

These past few weeks have been difficult especially if you're someone who's recently been laid off or furloughed and has no idea when or even if you're going back to work.

It's always this catch-22, right? You have the time now to do all the things you wanted to do when you were so busy ....


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DONā€™T DO WHAT I DID business blog Feb 22, 2020

How many times have you put something off because you felt you just weren’t ready to do it.

You weren’t prepared enough or you hadn’t done as much research as you might have wanted to. (Ah more research - this is my favorite one - guilty here!)

Well, I’m slightly...

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THE FRIDAY FAVS - TWICE UPON A STRING business blog Feb 11, 2020

I’m always on the lookout for a good story that highlights creative entrepreneurs.

Well, this week I had to look no further than the roster of my kindergarten class from over 30 years ago! Today we’re talking all about:


I first met founder and jewelry maker,...

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THE FRIDAY FAVS - OH JOY! EDITION business blog Feb 11, 2020

This edition of #TheFridayFavs goes out to none other than the gal who I’m always posting about on my Instagram....

Joy Cho of OH JOY!

I first found out about Joy when a good friend of mine, Julia Wester, decided to leave her television job in 2013 and follow her passion into the world...

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CREATING BOUNDARIES business blog Feb 11, 2020

If working in the entertainment industry has taught me anything, it's that if you don't create boundaries for yourself...someone else will. - Tweet This!

Now, if you're a Type A creative like me, you probably pride yourself on your die-hard-stop-at-nothing-till-I-get-it-right attitude,...

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This week's Friday Fav walked away from a six-figure salary to focus on his passion:


Founder of & host of The One and Only Podcast, Mark Shapiro has been one busy man for more than a decade.

For over 12 years he was steadily climbing the ranks of...

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THE FRIDAY FAVS - YOU EDITION business blog Feb 11, 2020

For this Friday Fav, I'm highlighting someone you all actually know. They're inspiring, creative and working each and every day to become better. This week I’m talking about:


The mere fact that you're signed up to get my weekly newsletters is a prime example of how you're...

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This week’s Friday Fav is one of my favorite books:


Business Brilliant by Lewis Schiff

Business Brilliant covers stories of entrepreneurs like Guy Liliberté who turned a measly little traveling group into what we all know today as the over 2.5 billion dollar traveling...

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