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business blog Feb 11, 2020

This edition of #TheFridayFavs goes out to none other than the gal who I’m always posting about on my Instagram....

Joy Cho of OH JOY!

I first found out about Joy when a good friend of mine, Julia Wester, decided to leave her television job in 2013 and follow her passion into the world of design. Julia is now Oh Joy's Prop Stylist and Crafter. She turned me on to all three of Joy’s books (links below) as well as her blog which features everything from fun ideas on crafting, design and recipes to glimpses into Joy’s personal life with her husband, Bob, and two kiddos; Ruby and Coco.

Aside from all of her successes - like being featured along side Barack Obama and Taylor Swift in Time Magazine, creating & designing products for companies including Target, Microsoft and Nod and releasing her third book this year - what I love most about Joy is how down to earth and relatable she is. Reading her blog makes me feel like she’s one of my homegirls. She’s honest and forthcoming on topics like working on being comfortable in her own skin and how initially she had no plans to be on TV but decided to face her fear and do it anyway - such an inspiration!

So this weekend, take some time to add a little JOY in your life and check out her work. Below are some links to get you started!


Joy Cho:

Oh Joy! Blog/Website

Time Magazine Article

Oh Joy's Products


60 Ways to Create & Give Joy

Creative, Inc.:The Ultimate Guide to Running a Successful Freelance Business

Blog, Inc.: Blogging for Passion, Profit and to Create a Community

Julia Wester:


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