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business blog Feb 11, 2020

I feel like it was just yesterday that we were planning out our goals for the year and here we are 1/2 way through into what I call, The 2nd Six - the last 6 months of the year.

It’s been a busy few months over here and while I’ve gotten a lot done, I have to be honest... There’s definitely a few goals I've had to postpone. 

In January, I had received a ton of requests for help with time management so I had begun developing a bundle to meet those needs.

Then I had a workshop I was developing for the Producers Guild of America that I had to press pause on when my family life got hectic. 

The reason I’m sharing this with you is so you understand that productivity is always a work in progress.

Having to hit pause and reassess isn't something to be afraid or ashamed of. It's part of the process as a creative and also as a business owner.

Maybe you’re a Type A that over-schedules & over-plans so regardless how much time you have, there'll always be stuff you won’t finish.

Or you might be someone who under-plans so as not to disappoint yourself when you don’t finish all your tasks or goals.

Either way, June is the perfect time of year to take inventory on what you set out to accomplish, figure out what didn’t get done and then readjust what you want to spend the second part of the year on.

Which is why I created this easy way for you to lay out your goals for the rest of the year. 


Head over to the Resources section on here on my website.

Scroll down to the Goal Setting section and download The 2nd Six - your free fill-able PDF to follow along.

If you did The First Six worksheet for January - May, ask yourself if there's anything that you didn't complete that you want to try and finish up?

It's ok if you don't, in fact, chances are if there's something left over from the first six months of the year that you never even started, maybe you're no longer be interested in doing it and that’s ok! Cross it off and move on.


Start by writing down the full list of what you want to accomplish and organize each goal by priority. Then take the top, most important goal and underneath it, list out of steps - 3 minimum - that you can take to reach it.

If it's a goal that's rolled over from the first part of the year, ask yourself why didn't you accomplish this in the first 6 months. If it's a time thing, then maybe scheduling it in is the first step. Or if it's a project that has a lot of moving parts write those down.

Here's one of my goals as an example:
For the next 6 months, I’ll be revisiting a lot intention and journaling work. This first month I’ll be focused on getting back into a routine and creating structure so I keep it up each week.
Goal: Daily Intention Journaling
Step 1: Schedule time on my calendar to journal each morning and evening
Step 2: Set up an easy process (Have journal near bed with pen)
Step 3: Create a weekly rewards system to keep myself motivated


You want to go through this process for each goal - priority ones come first! - and if there are more than (3) steps, all the better to keep you on track.

If you get stuck, send me a message and I'll help ya out! 

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